Weidner Memorial Senior Secondary School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi. The medium of instruction is English. English language is compulsory for all the classes. The school follows the co-educational system. Students who complete Class X will get School Based Assessment of Continuous and Comprehensive Education, covering Scholastic and Co-Scholastic areas in Classes IX and X. In Class all the students appear for the Board conducted Scheme 2 examination. After Class X, the students prepare for All India Senior School Certificate Examination, which takes place at the end of Class XII.
The student strength of Nursery and Kindergarten sections are 300. Classes I to XII have 1383 students. Thus the total student strength of the school is 1683. There are three divisions in Classes I to XII, whereas Nursery and Kindergarten have two divisions each. The overall strength of a class is around 40 students. The students are offered the following combinations of subjects in classes XI and XII.